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We Ask

Living Book Of Wisdom Series, No 1

We ask of ourselves
not to become the best of something
but to become the
best of


Where are you? You know this is probably the hardest thing to do is grow into yourself. So often, we build up defences and barriers to protect. This is sad because, underneath all of those identities, titles, and labels we have created within this lifetime, there is a stunning, gifted and unique person.

Are you wearing the wrong identity? Of course, you can become the best of anything you wish too, but if you do not bring the true spirit of you to the title than you never work towards becoming you, but becoming that identity. That identity will never fit properly. Okay, for a while maybe, but eventually obstacles, the wrong people, wrong incidences and hurt all come into play within your life. You are playing the wrong game, and performing as someone else, it does not feel authentic, you are not you... There is an uneasiness within you that can develop into heartache, a confounding loss, or misery. There is a niggling sense of more, but no answers come forward. We look towards more courses, peers to validate ourselves, we talk, act out, but still the answers seem to be missing.

The answer lies within. The funny thing is the answer is always in you, (I know, I hated hearing those words too.) Listen to those whispers, seek out what is it that makes time standstill. What makes your heart sing even though so much disappointment surrounds you? It is not easy when life seems so difficult and not in your control. It is about taking the time to hear your own heart over the deafening noises and wants of your children, family, friends, and general life expectations.

Can you hear your own whispers? It is about looking closely into your beliefs, culture, familiarity, and question whether they are for you. If those beliefs no longer fit, move away from them and closer to what you do believe in. It is never about the great leaps it is about the small whispers. Learn to listen to your own whispers. This does take courage, but it is the one way to come back to you, and the best of you.

The best of ourselves.