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Credits and a thank you to: Model by Jamari Lior, Sparrow by Alzirrswanheartstock


Little Blue Sparrow Series, Number 3

The Poetess visited the world where her soul resides.
She conversed with the SELF with such awe and surrender.
She laughed as her soul expressed a fullness of amusement and wonder.
She embraced the Poetess to evince her most intimate height.
No longer tentative, this is her horizon from her physical sight.
There are no boundaries to her dimensional being within her physique.
Her newfound receptivity to ALL is the key.
Her research did exceed her belief.

The NOW for her, the natural, and nature is her heartbeat.
She is The Poetess.
She lives and voices together.
As one, she is completeness.
It is time for her to speak.

(The Little blue Sparrow embodies the natural harmony and sacredness of all our lives.)


Poetess, the third image from The Little Blue Sparrow series, is the spiritual and physical lives that can exist here as one, NOW.