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Credits and a thank you to: Model Maria Amanda by Jan Holte Teller Photographer, Sparrow by Alzirrswanheartstock


Little Blue Sparrow Series, Number 1

She walks in the totality of her being.
There was no need to define, choose or change.
(Acceptance for her was always the key).

She explores her absoluteness and
her vastness without a degree.
(Her wholeness, they say, was always foreseen).

She was noble in cause and height.
Her pursuit was to regain and witness her might.
(Her validity, she felt, was redeemed).

Heralded was her nobility that she ensouled in this physical life.
This was her living goal. This was her light.
(She trusted herself, she learnt to believe, and she walked within her nobility).

The Little Blue Sparrow evokes her inner sight.

(Short Version)


She walks in the totality of her being.
There was no need to define, choose or change.
Her design is to stand within herself, her inherent dignity.
They say this is her birthright.
(Acceptance for her was always the key).

She explores her absoluteness and
her vastness without a degree.
There was no need to define the edge, no boundaries to contain, no external crutches or weights to baggage on.
The lightness would set her free.
(Her wholeness, they say, was always foreseen).

She was noble in cause and height.
Her pursuit was to regain and witness her might.
Her nobility would be seen, no outcry, to decry her sighted plight.
She embraced her physical world, living the presence of this life.
She worked silently in her noble right.
(Her validity, she felt, was redeemed).

Heralded was her nobility that she ensouled in this physical life.
This was her living goal. This was her light.
It was always in her decree.
(She trusted herself, she learnt, to believe, and she walked within her nobility.)

(The Little Blue Sparrow evokes her inner sight.)

(Long Version)

Nobility, the first image from the Little Blue Sparrow series depicts our life journey and our ultimate living goal.