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Echoes Of Sorrow

The Sorrow

In the touch, the feel, the scent of days gone by,
the sound and echoes of your life fade softly.
The profound sadness has become a best friend.

I've understood the storm, the endless rain,
and tears in every silent cry as sorrow consumes my soul.
Only those touched will understand.
There are no words to comprehend.

The Echo

Though you are invisible, your spirit lingers,
a comforting presence just out of view.
In the dreams and whispers, you embrace my soul.
Your softened voice reverberates through shadows, through insight.
Guiding the way to such a loving, all-encompassing embrace
of pure light.

Holding tightly to all you leave in life and death, our bond remains.
Transcending our place and hearing your echoes
of love through every sorrow and every ray.
So near and close, you dwell within the heart,
guiding our way in an eternal embrace.
Your love forever echoes in our new dimension,
until we meet again,
until I ascend.